Pinky and the Brain Wiki

Brain of the Future is an episode or Pinky and the Brain.


Pinky has just stopped the Brain from taking over the world one night, when suddenly, seconds later, a time machine flies into Acme Labs, out of which step Pinky and the Brain from the future. The future Brain tells the present Brain that in the year of 2 billion AD, the present Brain will be able to procure a "World Domination Kit." Naturally, Brain is anxious to go into the future and use this kit and he and Pinky step into the time machine to begin their quest. On the way, they inadvertently change the course of Canadian and American history and once they manage to reach 2 billion AD, they find that cockroaches have taken over from humans and that they are not particularly pleased to see the Brain and Pinky, especially as in their rocky landing in the time machine the two mice break a statue of the Queen of the Cockroaches. It seems that taking over the world will not be as easy as they hoped, especially as they find many other Pinkys and Brains from different time periods, all trying to reach the same goal.
